Liturgy of the Hours
How to Pray the Liturgy of the Hours
Watch "LOH5–How do I Pray the Liturgy of the Hours?–Praying the Liturgy of the Hours w/ Fr. Gallagher" on YouTube
How to pray the Liturgy of hours-
a helpful 1 page document i like to keep near me as i locate the pages for the day
morning prayers
Morning Blessing: May Jesus give you time and space to feel your hurts, heal your wounds, and grieve your losses. May He lead you beside still waters and restore your soul. May He bring you friends who love you right where you are. May you refuse to be cynical or jaded; instead, may you dare to dream again, right amid the pain you're in. Don't be afraid of lament. You can't sprint through grief. But avoid self-pity like the plague. You don't need pity. You have the promises of God! You have the presence of God. And He still has a great purpose for you. You won't stay in this valley. You're just passing through. One honest step at a time. You'll get through it, and you'll be stronger on the other side. You can do this. God bless you, dear one.
Psalm 30:5 NLT ~ For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime! Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning.
Divine Mercy
Holy Minutes
Liturgy of the Hours
Prayer Dare
Pray this prayer (or just parts of it at a time) and then sit and just breathe and notice what you're thinking and feeling. Ask for the grace to be aware of what the Lord is saying to you and inviting you to receive and/or to let go of.
Heavenly Father, I believe that my true identity is rooted and grounded in your unconditional love for me. I believe that you are really proud of me and that you have always wanted to BE my Father 🤗. I believe that you are always working for my good and that you give me the victory over my enemies through our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for the gift of divine sonship and for the future full of hope that you have in store for me.
Lord Jesus, I greatly desire to cultivate the gift of your divine friendship; because I believe that you care about me and that you totally accept me just for who I am. I believe that you want me to experience all the GLORY and JOY that you shared with the Father before the creation of the world 🌎 (cf. John 17:24). Please forgive my unbelief and restore to me my true dignity as a beloved child of Our Heavenly Father.
Lord, I want to STOP striving and START thriving by the power of the Holy Spirit🔥. Please come into my heart and help me to courageously face my fears and to humbly acknowledge my brokenness. Please come and heal my emotions and renew my mind, so that I can learn to think and feel and act like you.
Lord, help me to feel and to get real about what I am feeling deep down in my heart ❤️. Help me to get in touch with all my good desires that have been stifled or buried and to honor all of my genuine emotional NEEDS so that I can experience the saving power of Divine Mercy more profoundly in my innermost being.
Jesus, I trust you to delicately deal with all the emotions deep inside of me. I HOPE that you will free me from all the lies that I have believed about God and about myself. I beg you to restore and perfect the image that I have of God and of myself 😇. Help me to always remember that you believe in me and that you ACCEPT me just the way I am.
Jesus, help me to see and love in myself and in my brothers and sisters what you see and love in us. I want to experience the JOY of being loved and loving as a child of God. Therefore, I invite you to come into my heart ❤️ and to unite my heart with the pierced, Immaculate Heart of Mary so that I can also feel the warmth and tenderness of Mary’s affection and take her into my heart with a spirit of awe and wonder and gratitude just like you and Joseph and John did.
Thank you, Lord, for wanting to take good care of me. I entrust the fulfillment of all my desires to You and Mary and HOPE that you will fulfill them for me in many marvelous ways. Please draw a veil between my soul and the world, and hide me far from the gaze of demons and of men so that I may know your love for me more intimately.
Jesus, I trust in you!
Amen 🙏🏻
Two Short Prayers
Jesus, I invite you to relive your humanity through me, today, so that a river of living water 💦 will flow out of my heart and flood the whole world.
Mary, Undoer of Knots, please untangle all the thoughts and feelings in my mind, in my heart, in my soul, and in my body that keep me from living a more abundant life in Christ. Help me to direct my desire for God toward God himself and to find the best rest and the greatest joy in you and in God.